Our simple, comprehensive technology includes all-in-one tools for managing orders, inventory, returns and shipping. Kolineo offers seamless integration with Amazon’s e-commerce platform.
Our technological environment gives our customers access to the same local and international carriers, with the advantage of our order volumes.
Our system gives you inventory levels, order status and current operations. All from your cell phone or ordinary phone, wherever you are.
Our software connects seamlessly to your e-commerce website or online store.
5550 Bourque Boulevard,
Sherbrooke, J1N 1H3
(819) 861-2354
Privacy policy
Kolineo croit fermement en l’implication dans sa communauté. Nous sommes fiers de soutenir nos athlètes qui comme nous s’engagent vers l’excellence.
Nous souhaitons à toutes et à tous une merveilleuse édition des Jeux du Québec 2024.