Benefit from our commitment to same-day order fulfillment, our precision guarantees and our strategically located centers, providing services that exceed the expectations of your retailers and online customers.
Designed for growing companies, our services go beyond the ordinary. Kolineo is your strategic ally in order picking. We take on tasks such as :
As a 3PL, our team of experts is genuinely committed to our customers’ business, approaching every task as if it were their own. With Kolineo, you can outsource your logistics operations without compromising the quality and commitment you’d expect if you did it yourself. Kolineo offers a level of service that respects your brand and enhances your customer experience.
5550 Bourque Boulevard,
Sherbrooke, J1N 1H3
(819) 861-2354
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Kolineo croit fermement en l’implication dans sa communauté. Nous sommes fiers de soutenir nos athlètes qui comme nous s’engagent vers l’excellence.
Nous souhaitons à toutes et à tous une merveilleuse édition des Jeux du Québec 2024.